Samstag, 1. Juni 2024, 06:00pm
Aufrufe : 193



SCB – A brief history of evil
Formed in 1999 SLAYER COVER BAND (SCB) saw the light of day when a local
pubowner asked Jos (ex-Acrostichon, ex-Outburst, ex-Crustacean, Antropomorphia)
and Michel (Crustacean, Travoltas) if they could do a cover set….Well of course they
replied! But it will be SLAYER and SLAYER alone! The asked Serge (ex-Acrostichon,
ex-Outburst , Milkman) to take seat on the drumstool and Tom (Crustacean) to live
up to his first name. Don’t bother with a fancy name… everyone wants SLAYER!!!
The night was a devastating success! An extra €100 was paid for one extra
performance of Angel of Death. After that SCB switched drummers (Serge left to
focus on Milkman) And Joris (Crustacean, Bruut) joined. After that they went on a
sort of a rampage playing monthly throughout the Netherlands, Belgium and
Germany. No bull, no flashy stuff, just energetic renditions of SLAYER songs of
yore! After roughly 15 years in their current line-up they called it quits halfway
through 2014.
But early 2018 SCB came alive once more; live undead again they are prepared for
war once more! 2022 was the year Michel quits and was replaced by Albert
(Crustacean, Bruut, ex The Covering) on the guitars, so the story continues. There’s
no knowing when these guys may stop!


VVK: 20 € (zzgl. Geb.)
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